Squalane is a saturated form of squalene oil, which is derived from the liver of deep-sea sharks. Squalene also exists in our bodies, primarily in our skin. We were born with abundance of natural Squalene. But as we reach the age of 25, the amount of squalene in our skin decreases, and gradually cause skin to age. It is widely used in cosmetic products for its highly effective antioxidant and emollient nature to improve skin conditions.
Squalane is highly effective antioxidant and emollient for our skin. It prevents damage to skin cells caused by the process of oxidation. As an emollient, it forms a barrier to play an important role in skin hydration by helping to reduce water loss. It is transparent, fragrance free and is said to closely resemble the natural oils of our body and therefore can be easily absorbed into the skin.
スクワランを配合している商品 |
GOLSEN HOME(SPF30・PA++) 【特徴1:大容量で経済的】 300gという大容量、10円/gという最高コストパフォーマンス 【特徴2:どっしりシャンプータイプ】 探さなくてもわかる安心感と気軽にワンプッシュ 【特徴3:白くならい、さらさら】 塗った後の快適さを追求 【特徴4:まるで美容液】 日焼けの炎症を抑える成分と保湿を保つための成分、贅沢配合 |
GOLSEN ゴルファー専用(SPF50 PA+++/COOL/ペパーミント) 【特徴1:Cool】 塗るとスーッと清涼感 【特徴2:肌ケア】 日焼けの炎症を抑える成分と保湿を保つための成分、贅沢配合 【特徴3:微香】 汗の匂いを緩和するためにペパーミントのほのかな香り |